Friday, November 29, 2013


A friend of mine told me that it has been 8 months already.

8 months.... How far have I walked?

Saturday, November 23, 2013


There was an event held at my workplace in conjunction with Deepavali and the workplace's 3rd year anniversary. The dress code was traditional wear. So..

 I wore saree, for the first time! Hahaha. My friend knows I'm crazy with the colour green so she lent me this set. My colleagues were all excited to do my make up, to lend me accessories, to help me with the saree since I have totally no idea how to fold it... I'm very grateful!!

I really don't get used the me in saree.. In the end I decided that make-ups still look weird on me and I love my old self very much!!!

I'm sure you'll understand what is going on here. Ahahah

In conclusion, good experience. Hahaha

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013


你 们 要 靠 主 常 常 喜 乐 。 我 再 说 , 你 们 要 喜 乐 。~腓 立 比 書 4:4 

P/s: I've changed my layout! Wanted something simple this time

Friday, November 01, 2013


Going for myf camp tomorrow for 4D3N! 
Theme: Grow Green Together
Venue: Caring Home & MonQ Land

I'm ready.