Sunday, March 25, 2012


最近在唱教会诗歌时, 很容易哭.

以前都不会这样, 常常都是拍手唱着过而已. 也不明白人家为什么会举起手来敬拜. 自己都不敢那样做, 因为怕别人会看着我..

现在我明白了.  来到金宝, 发生很多不开心的事. 可是就是因为心碎了, 跌到了, 我才真正的开始亲近和顺服神. 也体会到神的手时时刻刻都在安慰与扶持我, 让我从新站起来. 透过教会和教会弟兄姐妹的教导, 在灵命上有很大的成长.

我哭, 是因为感动. 因为神不曾撇下我, 他透过歌词来对我说话. 在敬拜时, 是在与神见面, 与神交流. 不须在意别人的眼光. 当我举起双手, 是以一颗感恩和虔诚的心来敬拜. 欢欢欣欣地领受上帝无限的慈爱和恩典..

我.. 长大了!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tired, but Eventful

 Our intake only around 20 ppl~

Went for a camp!

Marina Island Resort is a man made island located in Lumut. 

  We had 6 meals of buffet. Missed the food T.T

Like a scene in a movie!



 那些年.. xD

 Moss, y u no dissappear? *y u no face.jpg*

 Each of us bought along our soft toy~

 Photoshooting time!

 Apa-apa pun buat. Haha~

 Last meal!

My family came to kampar last week! So we went to~~~

 So happy to see them ^^

 It was literally strawberry everywhere! Strawberry bags, hats, shirts, food, shoes, accessories.. Fuyoh xD

 Stupid pimples

wahaha xD

 First time seeing mushrooms growing like this!


I dont know why flies like to rest on cactus

 Tea farm

And then celebrated En Guang's bday on sat~

Oh, and I'm going back to kl on Easter's weekend :D

Monday, March 05, 2012


 Kept raining last week. Had a walk at the park for awhile then started drizzling again..



Act Stupid

Thanks for the present yeah ^^

Going for a camp at Lumut in 5 days time! So looking forward to it :D

Friday, March 02, 2012

I'm tired.

I've been busy.

So many things happened.. Happy, sad.. Everything.
I didn't even take much pictures these days. Hands feeling itchy already. Inspiration, please come back!

Oh ya!
Sanji! One of my favourite stupid character xD