Sunday, September 15, 2013

To whom it may concern

Dear S,
Remember just now I asked whether you read blogs or not? This is the reason xD
Thank you for the gifts, love die you la. Especially the card. You must have used so much time on it >< Who says you're not good in crafts???
The dress you gave me, I spent a few minutes figuring out how to wear it hahaha! I have to wear leggings to go with it since my butt made the dress shorter -.-
Lastly.. Your letter made me teary -.- Sorry for letting you worry, I will never repeat the same mistakes again. 放心地毕业吧~ xD
I never had such a great friend like you. The choice of words you used when I'm down gave me so much comfort. I'm really saddened and intimidated by the thought of you graduating. Because it will be hard for us to see each other, and things will never be the same...
But in the end, although sometimes we do not share every single thing that are happening around us often, I know we still look out for each other silently. Very silently. Right? :)
Looking forward to our holiday trip!! Love you, friend.


Dear Partner in crime,
I know you'll read my blog de la xD Your post on the other hand made me laugh by myself like an idiot haha! The way you write is just awesome.
We both have different circle of friends, but at the end of the day we're still able to go back to each other. That's something really amazing to me.
You told me when you first came to Kampar, I'm the one who approached you and showed you my concern. But now you're the one who took cared of me and brought me back to the right path. I am forever grateful.
For our friendship I feel like I'm always on the receiving end, and you always giving >< So if you have anything, anything that needs help on, or just someone to listen to you, or a shoulder to cry on (although I dont think you will cry in front of me :P), you know who to find.
Thank you dear friend. Love you as well.


I paiseh, that's why decided to write these here instead of telling you guys directly. 我的心声,你们听见了吗?


At first I thought whose birthday was that for? Hahaha

For the first time, I actually spent a few days reflecting on my past 21 years -.- Cringing at things that broke my heart, reminiscing the good memories, figuring out mistakes that I've done, and planning for my future.

Maybe its because of my age; I feel a little bit different now :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


我很爱睡觉. 要睡8个小时才甘愿起床.  不喜欢考试前熬夜读书.  但为了Neurobiology,当晚只睡了一个多小时 -.- 成绩最好给我拿好点!

Sunday, September 08, 2013

子孙满堂啊! !

呵呵。前几个月金宝大专团契开始了Malim Nawar 儿童主日学事工。我和Vivian还有Lyon是负责带这群4-9岁的孩子们进行分班。

其实我很怕小孩。。 觉得很不自在,不懂要怎样跟他们沟通。就连和一个婴儿我都会敬而远之。哈哈哈。这就是我决定参加这事工的最大理由- 我想要克服我的心里障碍 :)

到现在主日学已经进行了三次,益处良多,感触不少。看着他们的成长,我很欢喜。母情的本能出来了? xD

9月21日将会是我今年最后一次参与此事工,因为10-12月要回KL实习了。很不舍得这些小瓜叻!希望我回来后他们还记得我 :P