Thursday, October 24, 2013


I realized that I have not posted anything regarding my industrial training here. But if you did see my instagram or facebook then you'll know la. Basically I'm working in a laboratory, without any pay :( But it's all right, its the experience that counts!

The malay lady is a MLT (medical lab technologist) who works there. She, together with another male MLT are very experienced. They guided us throughout this whole time without being proud of themselves. I really respect these kind of people. The indian lady is another intern student like me. We always hang out together during lunch. Without her I would be so lonely T.T

 This is the other MLT I was talking about. Today we learned phlebotomy! Since we cant draw blood from real patients yet, them and some nurses we befriended there are willing to be our white mice after we're familiar with the techniques :D

And this is me fooling around ahaha. Forever aloneeeeeeee

So far I enjoyed and learned a lot. Two more months to go!

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